Jan Luyken and his son Casper were superb draughtsmen. They made book illustration their profession. Their pictures of different professions became world-famous: tailor, weaver, cobbler, milliner and many more. Amsterdam Museum has the largest collection of their prints and drawings. The three hundredth anniversary of Jan Luyken’s death falls on 5 April 2012. A good reason to turn the spotlight on his work.

Students of the Fashion Manager course at ROC Jan des Bouvrie College in Amsterdam focused on the Luykens’ work in recent months. They started with a guided tour of the museum. Then they learned all kinds of traditional techniques. How to make screen prints, linocuts, how to print on fabric or with stamps. They used the prints to make a clothing accessory. In the photos the students appear with an object relating to their future. What would they most like to become?