'FREEZE!' Consists of three parts. The 'Do It Yourself Handboek voor Webarcheologie' provides practical information on web archaeology based on the DDS case and is directly applicable for heritage professionals. The 'Haalbaarheidsonderzoek Presentatie' describes the results of a study into the possibilities to present early Dutch internet culture in a museum context. 'FREEZE! A manifesto for safeguarding and preserving born-digital heritage' calls on heritage institutions to take digital preservation and, if necessary, web archaeology, in hand so that our digital heritage is not lost. 

Download the publications:


Project 'The Digital City Revives'

The project "The Digital City Revives" is an initiative of the Amsterdam Museum, Waag Society, University of Amsterdam and the Dutch Institute for Sound and Vision. The project has won the 'Digital Preservation Award 2016' in the category 'Safeguarding the Digital Legacy Category'! For more information about the project, see the sites of all the partners:

Webarcheologische opgraving: Ansichtkaart van DDS

Webarcheologische opgraving: Ansichtkaart van DDS

FREEZE! Red en behoud ons digitaal erfgoed

FREEZE! Red en behoud ons digitaal erfgoed