Queer legacies: Transforming practice in museums and galleries post-2017

Queer legacies: Transforming practice in museums and galleries post-2017

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Queer Legacies is a one-day conference exploring the impact on the museum and galleries sector of programming to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the partial decriminalisation of homosexuality in the UK in 2017. Have LGBTQ collaborations and events in the museum and gallery sector during 2017 created a permanent legacy? Have they helped to challenge and change the ways in which museums and galleries look at and share their collections, how they operate and how they collaborate with diverse communities? The conference explores the challenges and successes of projects over the past year, from the point of view of museums, galleries and the communities with which they have collaborated, and the legacy that is transforming the ways in which the sector works.

Speakers include Mirjam Sneeuwloper and Maik Mirkovic on Transmission (2015-16) Trans*Objects (2017) at Amsterdam Museum.

Wanneer: 7 maart 2018 van 10:30 - 17:00
Waar: Brighton Museum & Art Gallery, The Old Courthouse, 118 Church Street (side entrance), Engeland
Kosten: Normale prijs 65 pond
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