The Amsterdam Museum is at work on an international exhibition Soccer Hallelujah! about the relationship between football and religion. We have chosen Maradona as the image for our poster and in the exhibition is an altar for Maradona.
In search of a hair of Maradona
In 1990 the Italian Carmine Alcide was on the plane along with the team of SSC Napoli. When the players got out, he went to the chair of Maradona and plucked off the hair. That was the beginning of the altar for Maradona. He hung it on the street for his café Bar Nilo in Naples and later moved it inside. He is now making a replica Football Hallelujah!. Very nice, but we still have to have a hair of Maradona to really make it a relic for DIOS.
Who can help us with a few hairs of Maradona?
You can send the hair to:
Amsterdam Museum
PO Box 3302
1001 AC Amsterdam
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