Where I come from, being gay is a crime. Muslims and Christians in my country believe homosexuality is not approved by God and consider it a sin. If someone turns out to be gay, they will be humiliated and rejected by their family and friends.

It has been a very though experience for me, but luckily, I was able to come here to the Netherlands and I have been able to meet new people within different platforms where I could express my sexuality. Most people misjudge me or misidentify me, because of my masculine presence. They think about gay people in stereotypes. But I am proud of who I am.

All I want to say is: don’t judge, don’t criticize others, you don’t know what they have been through. You should be proud when you see someone coming out, we should all be proud of who we are. Don’t let other people’s thoughts define you. Be strong, it is a lifetime journey.

The people portrayed as invisible in the IN/VISIBLE photo-exhibit are regular participants of Wereldcafé. Wereldcafé is a monthly activity organized by COC Amsterdam en omstreken, where bicultural LGBTIQ+ persons can meet in a closed setting to find a social network and discuss topics relevant to their personal empowerment. If you come from a bicultural background and are LGBTIQ+ or questioning, and want to be in contact with likeminded people, you can contact us at: wereldcafe@cocamsterdam.nl. We look forward to meeting you.