Though I had to work in another part of the country of the Netherlands during 21 January's Women's (and men's) March on Washington, I was happy to have had a small hand in laying the groundwork for our Dutch protest that I hear ended up having around 3000 plus protesters marching in Amsterdam Saturday. WOW! These numbers may not seem like much to the rest of the world, but for our small country I found it nothing less than fantastic. 

Thanks to the wonderfully tireless preparations of organiser Petra and her small crew, I too was able to contribute beforehand by passing out flyers and talking to others about the event in hopes of raising awareness as to why its been so important to hold a march here in the Netherlands as well. With others I discussed why it wasn't just a national but global protest, in particular one of human rights and environmental concerns that have been continually under threat. And last weekend when our Dutch trains were rerouted because of all the work currently being done on our rail lines, I ended up travelling back and forth in six different trains. I used this time to pass out flyers, especially to students on their way to their colleges and universities. And a few days before the march, I was able to head over to my local province's international university and hand out well-received flyers there as well.

So, though I couldn't march in the glory of the moment, I believe like all the others behind the scenes we too did our bit in support of it. Kudos to every man, woman and child who organised, promoted and took part in this past Saturday's remarkable event: a grassroots women's protest that went diverse and global! We are humans for humanity - building bridges, not walls. And we hope you've all - all around the world - at least heard us in our country ROAR.

N.B. My Persian cat Nikki in purr-fect support!  ;)

No pussy grabbing Nikki in purr-fect support

No pussy grabbing Nikki in purr-fect support